60 Best Questions To Ask On Tinder: Know More, Impress Him & Get Results
Knowing what questions to ask on Tinder is a game-changer. I know where to meet men and what questions to ask them. I'm a master of conversation starters that is proven by the countless blogs I've published. When you're feeling signs he's into you and you want to keep...

16 Top Helpful Signs He Likes You – Stop Worrying And Know The Man Better
Are the signs he likes you unclear? Struggling to read body language signs and understand his true feelings? Well, let's address how to tell if a guy likes you! I’ve been writing dating and relationship advice for over 5 years now, and I’m also the chief writer for...

30 Charming Things to Say to Your Crush - Easily Get the Guy You Want
Today, I'm sharing a list of things to say to your crush, so you'll always have the right words. If knowing how to flirt with a guy doesn't come naturally for you, this list of sweet things to say to a guy will come in handy. And if you've been wondering how to tell a...

18 Funny Questions To Ask A Girl - Being The Delightful Funny Guy
If you're looking for the best funny questions to ask a girl, look no further. This list of questions to ask a girl is a godsend. I've written numerous blogs about conversation starters, and I know that hilarious questions are just the tip of the iceberg. These funny...

10 Beautiful Types of Noses - A Helpful Guide: Which One Is Yours?
Big and small, thick and thin, there are so many types of noses. We should give special attention to them sometimes because they do play a crucial part in our appearance. As a health and wellness expert, I know that besides vital functions like breathing, noses really...

Top 21 Questions To Ask A Guy - Start Really Wonderful and Romantic Conversations
Our compilation of 21 questions to ask a guy will help you learn all the small, tiny things that make them. The thing is, getting to know a guy is a process, and it won't happen overnight. But these questions can make the process more enjoyable. Not to brag, but we're...

How To Be Less Awkward: 5 Effective Strategies For Improving Yourself
Want to know how to be less awkward? You've come to the right place! With social anxiety becoming increasingly widespread, we've all come to fear the dreaded social awkwardness. We all want to avoid having awkward situations in our social life, including me....

How Often Should A Guy Text You In The Beginning? Know In One Great Guide!
Have you ever wondered how often should a guy text you in the beginning? You may have already heard a lot of dating advice about the supposed texting habits of a man who likes you. You've probably asked yourself many times, should I text him? As a relationship expert,...

30 Fun Hobbies For Women: Fun And Interesting Things To Do!
Girls, if you need a good hobby idea, check out this list of fun hobbies for women! As a style guru featured in places like HelloGiggles, I'm always searching for girls' hobbies to occupy my free time. Here, I'll show you some wonderful hobbies I've found and other...

7 Amazing Tips How to Talk Dirty to Him on Text - Make Him Think About You
Do you want to spice up your conversation? Then you need to know how to talk dirty to him on text. Knowing how to flirt over text is a helpful way to make your conversation more exciting. As a dating expert, I have the knowledge to teach you all about talking dirty....

How To Open Up To People - 7 Ultimate Steps To Share Your Feelings
Some people need to learn how to open up to people. As a dating expert and life coach, my works have been featured on HelloGiggles and Bustle. I understand well the struggle when it comes to revealing yourself to others. If you have approach anxiety, which you can...

How to Make Someone Feel Better - 6 Steps to Make Someone Happy Today
Not sure how to make someone feel better? I've written a lot of helpful wellness guides on our site here, including how to cheer someone up during trying times. So if you want to know how to make someone happy, I can help you. I'll share with you the best ways to...