With the long list of friends on social media and in real life, you'd often wonder about things to call your bestfriend. Having a name for your boyfriend, with some great ideas listed on Mantelligence, is one thing, but an endearment for a best friend is another.
My focus on positive social interactions and works published on sites such as Elite Daily delves into the importance of friendship and its concerns.
Read on and get your BFF a nickname she’ll love.
Ultimate List of Things to Call Your Best Friend That Will Touch Their Hearts

via: Unsplash / Richard Jaimes
You give names to things depending on their quality, same with giving nicknames to friends. The more you know about your bestfriend, the quirkier the nicknames get. If you still don't have something to call your BFF, then this list is for you.
Nickname Categories
5 Best Pet Names You Could Use on Your Friend Guaranteed to Bring You Closer Together

via: Unsplash / Rae Angela
While your parents might have already given you a great name, having pet names for your best friend is also something special. Choose a nickname that shows how strong your bond is.
1. Pretty/Gorgeous
Since you are best friends, why not just state the obvious? This is a rather playful take on describing an attractive person, especially one you are close with.

via: Unsplash / Kinga Cichewicz
2. Ride or die
Are you two there for each other no matter what? Use this for a loyal and dependable friend, and add this to the list of things to call your boy bestfriend.

via: Pexels / Darya Sannikova
3. Queen
Beyonce is not the only queen who rules. Use this nickname for your gal pal and make sure she knows that she rules your heart.

via: Pexels / Marcelo Chagas
4. Soul Sister
If the two of you have that special connection that nobody can understand, then she really is your soul sister. This nickname is for friends whose relationship transcends through time.

via: Pexels / Anna Tarazevich
5. Homegirl
If you've grown up together or are from the same neighborhood or hometown, then Homegirl is a perfect term of endearment for your bestfriend.

via: Pexels / KoolShooters

via: Galtelligence
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5 Cute and Sweet Ways to Address Your Bestie That Will Make Her Heart Melt

via: Pexels / Anna Tarazevich
Give your best friend a sweet nickname that suits her character. This can brighten her mood anytime.
6. Huggsie
If your best friend is a big hugger who likes giving and receiving hugs from people as a form of affection, then this cute name is perfect!

via: Pexels / Anna Tarazevich
7. Bubbles
This is for the bestfriend who is quite sensitive and emotional even with the smallest things. Someone who can finish a box of tissues halfway through a tear-jerker movie.

via: Pexels / Trung Nguyen
8. Dumpling
Have that one BFF who's just so cuddly and won’t mind being called Dumpling? This pet name is just one of the sweetest things to call your girl best friend.

via: Pexels / Anastasia Shuraeva
9. Munchkin
Usually used for a child as an endearment, the nickname Munchkin can also be used for a friend especially if she’s cheeky, short, or just plain mischievous.

via: Pexels / Anastasia Shuraeva
10. Cutie Pie
You may hear parents calling their children Cutie Pie. And it is one of the cute things to call your bestfriend who is just as sweet.

via: Pexels / Polina Tankilevitch
5 Funny Names to Give Your Best Gal that Will Make Them Laugh

via: Pexels / SHVETS production
Let your joyful friendship flourish and have a giggle by giving her a funny nickname. Guaranteed to make them laugh whenever they hear you call them.
11. Boo
This name is not just used for a romantic partner or lover. Use this nickname for a close friend who gets scared so easily you just had to remind them.

via: Pexels / Yuri Manei
12. Teacup
If your bestfriend is someone who's easy to get angry or emotional, Teacup is the perfect nickname. This is funny as long as she doesn’t mind.

via: Pexels / Charlotte May
13. Bum Bum
This nickname is for your girl friend who is just generally happy and silly around everyone. Someone who can just brighten the place up.

via: Pexels / Monstera
14. Tickles
Is she every bit ticklish even with the slightest tap on the shoulders? Then Tickles is a great name! It's cute, and it fits her persona!

via: Pexels / Kampus Production
15. Shortie
You might hear someone using this for their lover, but that’s not always the case. This can be for your BFF, especially if she's a bit shorter than you.

via: Pexels / mododeolhar
5 Weird Yet Witty Nicknames for Your True Friend that Will Surely Puzzle Her

via: Pexels / Daylane Oliveira
As her bestfriend, you're the one who knows almost everything about her. Use this to get her a weird nickname that not everyone can relate to.
16. Nugget
This nickname is for that crazy friend who gets to make you do silly things with them. Remind them how you need their little craziness in your life.

via: Pexels / Kampus Production
17. Peanut Butter
Got a best friend who just spreads herself thinly, trying to do lots of things all at once? Try using this nickname on her.

via: Pexels / Sam Lion
18. Babs Bunny
Does your best friend ever remind you of that cute, pink bunny from Tiny Toons Adventures series? Use this for your pal who reminds you of Babs Bunny.

via: Pexels / Monstera
19. Pancake
Pancake is often used to name someone who easily changes their mind. You can also use this for a close girlfriend who has a flat chest.

via: Pexels / Charlotte May
20. Tweedledee
Have people mistaken her for you and vice versa cause you are almost alike? Take on Tweedledum, and you and your best friend would be two of a kind.

via: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio
Why is it Important for Best Friends to Have Nicknames for Each Other?

via: Pexels / Zen Chung
It is important to have a nickname for a bestfriend because it tells them they are special. Giving your bestie a nickname is a way to make them feel a sense of belonging and affection, especially if they don't get the same appreciation from others. It can also serve as a reminder of shared memory and the bond you have.
Nicknames are almost always given to people who matter to you, may it be someone from the family, a friend, or a partner. And these names stick for a long time.
How to Come Up With a Unique Nickname to Call Your BFF?

via: Pexels / Tim Douglas
It's easy to pick a nickname for your best friend from a list. You can just think of something you associate your buddy with and have a distinct name for them. But to make out something unique is a different kind of effort that tells them they are special.
Tip #1: Consider an amalgamation of your names.

via: Pexels / Tim Douglas
How else can you make up a unique nickname for your bestie rather than combining both of your names? You can mix your names or aliases and come up with a term of endearment just for you and your best friend. Not that hard, right?
Tip #2: Make a pun about your names.

via: Pexels / Monstera
Why make an adorable nickname when you can make it hilarious? Something that can crack both of you up, but nothing offensive. Nothing beats seeing each other and laughing out over silly things such as a fun nickname.
Tip #3: Use your shared interest in food, activities, and hobbies together.

via: Pexels / Keira Burton
Friendship is bound by commonality. Use that to come up with a nickname for your best friend. Think about your favorite comfort meal, a hobby you both indulge yourselves in, or maybe a dream destination you share.
Tip #4: Think about your inside jokes.

via: Pexels / Zen Chung
Come up with something that only you and your best friend can laugh about. You'll maybe get a couple of weird stares when they see you giggling about a name, but at least that's something only the both of you can relate to.
Frequently Asked Questions

via: Pexels / Sam Lion
Now that we've given you a guide on a list of nicknames to call your bestie, we hope you can come up with one that's extra special. You can browse through these frequently asked questions if you have more queries about your friendship.
How will I know if I am best friends with someone?
To tell whether you are best friends with someone, ask yourself this: Are they honest, trustworthy, and dependable? A best friend is supposed to be someone constant in your life. A person you can trust not to blab about your secrets, support your dreams, and the one you can lean on. But it's not all about someone you can agree with. A true friend is the one who tells you when you are making the wrong decisions and will not tolerate bad behaviors.
How can I be the fun one in our friendship?
Be open about things your best friend likes, just nothing illegal or dangerous. When you make plans with your best friends, make sure you consider how they feel about it and be open to suggestions. Exchange fun questions to ask your friends during those long, boring days.
What fun recreational activities can my BFF and I do over the summer?
Since it's summer, make the most out of the good weather to do outdoor activities such as sports. If you're both big on adventure, you can go hiking, camping, or traveling. If you are both home people, get on a hobby that you both liked to try but have never gotten into, like gardening, painting, or doing DIYs. You can also check your bucket list since you have all the free time to get to tick off some of the items on it.
What gifts can I give to my best friend?
Think of what they like or what makes them feel special when thinking of getting your best friend birthday gifts. It doesn't have to be expensive or grand. You can get them something that represents your friendship or reminds them of it. If you're someone creative, you can make one yourself. If your friend is practical, get them something useful at home or work.
Downloadable and Printable List of Things To Call Your Best Friend
Here is a downloadable and printable jpg/pdf list of things to call your best friend (right-click the image and select Save Image As...):

via: Galtelligence
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Having things to call your bestfriend makes your friendship special.
Giving a nickname may be common and overrated. But just as every other relationship has one, a special name to call your best friend makes yours different from the rest. It represents your bond with each other and can make it even stronger.